Edinburgh Dungeon Summer 2014: Carnivale
The seasonal makeovers for Summer, Halloween and Christmas are applied to all of the UK Dungeon attractions, and although promising something different to the experience, are never really a massive change compared to the regular shows. However, the Dungeon's have a reputation for updating and changing their main shows annually, and it is clear that Edinburgh have spent a lot of attention on the Street of Sorrows, an exciting new addition that actually made this jaded reviewer jump several times!
But as for the Carnivale - it was hard to tell what this show trying to achieve. A carnival barker outside tried to build the atmosphere, and throughout the main queuing area the music had been changed to a strange calliope style that hinted that something different might be coming. While waiting in the main antechamber, the music continued, and as we were led through to the first show - The Judge, we expected at least some further reference, but no, from that point on the show was the regular Dungeon experience.
Not that the normal Edinburgh Dungeon show is a bad thing. Mixing some of the regular Dungeon tricks with some interesting local history, the whole experience still remains one of scarier Dungeon shows in the UK, especially with the Sawney Bean boat ride leaving everyone screaming in the darkness!
The whole experience was improved by the very excitable crowd we visited with. Every joke, every piece of audience interaction, and every scare was shared across the whole group. Even in some of the slower rooms, it was clear that everyone was having a good time and the actors seemed to revel in the interactivity of their audience.
All in, we had a great time at the Edinburgh Dungeon. The summer makeover seemed a bit lacking, but once inside we really enjoyed the humour, horror and history that the Dungeon attractions are famous for
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