Welcome to Scare Review!
Here at ScareTOUR we understand that most people like to just go and visit scare attractions and don't actually want to come home and write about them afterwards. Writing reviews can be time consuming and some can be mismatched in style and substance as well as content. This is why all the main reviews published on ScareTOUR are written by ScareTOUR's independent team who have all visited a number of attractions around the country and their opinions can be verified and trusted.
But we also love to hear what YOU think and we now have hundreds of Scare Reviews all across the site from one word summaries through to full essays and reviews. However large or small, good or bad - we want to hear from you! All you have to do, is just visit the site when you get home (or on a web enabled smartphone) and answer a few simple questions. It doesn't get any easier than that!
All entries will be confidential and no personal details will be viewable by visitors of the site and/or any of the attractions you provide feedback on. Each completed entry will be put into a hat at the end of the year to win an exclusive ScareTOUR goodie bag.