London Dungeon Halloween 2013
The new London Dungeon has been open for over 6 months now and seems to have settled quite nicely into it's new home. With new marketing and a new image, the attraction has also come up with a new event for Halloween based around the tagline "The Home of Halloween"
Previous Halloween events at The Dungeon have either used the turnip headed Springheel Jack or the devious Trickster but this year, more effort (and money) has been spent on a more visible overhaul.. You notice this immediately upon arrival at County Hall, as the main entrance is adorned with fantastic pumpkin decorations that really set the scene. Once inside there are even more theming touches throughout the lobby and waiting area. Following their sponsorship by Chupa Chups, it is also in the lobby where we are given our first treat - a lolly to suck while waiting!
Once inside the actual show, very little has changed. We saw a number of pumpkins scattered in various places but all but one of the scenes, stories and effects are identical to previous. The only real change is some extra theming and scent in Mrs Lovett's pie shop as now she is making pumpkin as well as her notorious meat pies! It was a nice touch and a cool nod to the season but actually makes very little difference to the overall experience.
One thing we noticed on this visit was that the group size we were batched in, was just a bit too big for the experience, and we seemed to spend a lot of time squashing down from a large group to get through a door to then spread out, to then being squashed down once again to go through another door. Of course this is just a symptom of how popular and busy the Dungeon is, but it was something we found more noticeable than in the old Toolley St location.
By claiming to be the home of Halloween we were expecting a little bit more from the Dungeon this year. Certainly the new decorations are a great start, but the Halloween makeover to the main show is nothing particularly different from the regular experience which is a shame.
To find out more about the London Dungeon visit their website -
To see our review of the new London Dungeon venue check out our review
To see our review of the new London Dungeon venue check out our review
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