Circus of Horrors 2015 - Night of the Zombie
The Circus of Horrors hosts some of the best talent from around the globe, with an international cast of Sword Swallowers, gymnasts, knife throwers and more. Mix the extremely talented cast with hard rock music, fire and scantily clad women you have the Circus of Horrors show we have come to love over 20 blood curdling years.
This year's show has jumped aboard the zombie band wagon where zombies have taken centre stage globally over the past few years. With many scare attractions housing zombie mazes, the number of zombie chase games have multiplied and hit TV shows such as ‘In the Flesh’ and ‘Walking Dead’ are big hits. COH have continued the trend by adopting the zombie theme for their latest spectacular.
Front man Dr Haze returns with many of our favourite COH members. Hannibal Hell Murto, Anastasia IV and the Sinister Sisters are just a few of the world famous acts we have grown to know and love. The COH show wouldn’t be the same without them. This years show unfortunately didn’t include some acts from previous years with was a shame, although the lighter side of this meant that the talent on stage had more chances to wow us with their acts. Knife thrower Sycha Sean and target girl Doynamite are prime examples of giving us more draw dropping knife throwing action than ever before.
The show followed a similar structure to last years ‘London After Midnight’ tour. Following less of a story line like previous years and more following the generic Zombie theme. Although we do think the theme could have been used more throughout the show, it meant the Circus could concentrate more on the wow factor and getting the most out of their acts as opposed to trying to follow a story line.
We have reviewed the COH shows for a number of years now and although we have come across many acts before, we always leave the show feeling entertained and anticipating our next visit. The entertainment factor never ceases and keeps audience members cringing and squealing throughout the show year after year.
The Circus of Horrors Night of the Zombie Tour will be visiting a town near you. Check their website for tour dates. We can guarantee you will jump, squeal and be truly entertained, as well as finding a new use for your Henry Hoover!
The main website and the remaining tour dates can be found at
2013 review
2012 review
2011 review
2013 review
2012 review
2011 review
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