The UK scare attraction industry is only small but is growing rapidly with new and exciting companies and events appearing each year. With such growth and potential competition we should expect a friendly rivalry between attractions and suppliers but would also expect people to work together to benefit the whole of the industry and not just themselves.
For example, if a visitor has enjoyed an attraction, it would be nice to think that they could see advertising for a competitor’s attraction as they leave. Perhaps then they may decide to go and do something else – hence increasing attendance. If that attraction then promotes the other one in return it’s a win/win for both sides and more people get to enjoy this crazy form of entertainment. At the moment, people don’t really travel around the UK visiting attraction after attraction which makes comparisons hard. After all – how can you decide if one thing is better than another if you haven’t visited both? Hopefully in time – people will start to venture outside of their local areas and explore other attractions around the country or even abroad. No two scare attractions are ever the same and people should always be able to find something new and different if they put in the effort to find them. Fortunately, ScareTOUR's large and diverse review team travel all over the country each year to bring you the most detailed reviews available. Before a review is posted it is discussed within the team to ensure that it accurately reflects the event. Alongside the team reviews, I also personally try to visit as many attractions as I can and especially like to support new ventures or people doing something a little different. This is how we managed to post reviews of over 70 different scare attractions in 2011 alone. A number that no other review site was able to do. Of course we may miss a few highlights along the way but you can guarantee we will go back to these the following year to ensure as much coverage as possible. So why not stick with us? Remember – we here at ScareTOUR will only post factual reviews based purely on the real experience and will never let personal feelings or company allegiances get in our way. ScareTOUR is still the only scare attraction website that does not run or own its own attraction in any way shape or form. Until next time – enjoy our reviews from Blackpool!
Well it’s the start of February and we’re already on the countdown to our first set of scares for 2012. A few years back it would have been unheard of that you could get scared so early in the season yet here we are on Valentine’s Day about to experience a brand new scare attraction!
St Valentines Day Massacre is already set to be our biggest trip yet with over 20 people registered to attend. The very kind people at Blackpool Tower Dungeon have actually offered us some complimentary tickets for ScareTOUR readers, which just shows how much they recognise the support we give to both them and the industry. We have tickets these left so it’s not too late to register! In other news, we are just waiting to hear more details from Curious Village of their two upcoming attractions, Scary Tales live and their Alone style show in May, as well as waiting for a few other companies across the UK to finalise their spring plans (but from what we have heard so far – the year is stating to look very good)) Else where the planning for ScareCON is taking shape. Many people have been asking about ScareCON and whether the event is suitable for them. The main day event is a trade show and seminar/workshop programme which is aimed at owners and designers of attraction or for people looking to move into this business. The day is usually filled with interesting people and surprises and could be of interest to anyone but is specifically aimed at the business side. The evening and the Scare Ball is more a chance for people to relax, let their hair day and have fun. If you aren’t interested in the day events, you can still enjoy the evening party and entertainment. The first batch of all night Scare Rooms sold out almost immediately and those who were able to get rooms are probably wishing they hadn’t as the ever faithful (but quite frankly quite creepy) Timothy the booking host, has been hounding them ever since! If you are brave enough – a waiting list is being run for the next set of rooms. Going forward it’s going to be a really interesting year. The country is currently heading for a double dip recession and it will be interesting to see how this affects the scare industry. When an evening Halloween event can cost in excess of £35 for a few hours entertainment, will venues see a drop in attendance as people struggle to keep their money in their pockets? Or will people want to escape the bad news and face their fears in a dark maze somewhere? Only time will tell, but rest assured that ScareTOUR will be with you all through the year keeping up to date with all the latest attractions and posting the best and most comprehensive reviews on the web. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest information or head over to our forums to join in the chat. |
AuthorMany of you will know me already. My name is Michael Bolton and I am passionate about Scare Attractions and being scared. I have been visiting and reviewing attractions since 2002. Why not come along on one of our trips and have a scream? Archives
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