Walsall Scare Maze Christmassacre - 2024
Following their Halloween event – Walsall Scare Maze have decided to continue the story of Amelia Birchill, as part of the annual Christmassacre event. But this time – Amelia's spirit and her toys were out for their vengeance and we were invited into the house by a bunch of bloggers called the Shadow Seekers. Through several theatrical scenes, they told the story about what was going on, but what was more important were the ghosts and scares that we were about to experience. These really came thick and fast.
Walsall Scare maze have a reputation for lively and hands on actors, and we were relentlessly grabbed, followed and pushed throughout. The scares were genuinely relentless and despite visiting the venue multiple times in the past, we still struggled to understand where we were in the house, or more importantly how much we had left. As in previous shows – the team use a distraction technique to hold guests before the finale, without them even realising the group are just going round in circles. Bizarrely it was just one mannequin figure in a cowl that made us go “hold on – we’ve seen you before" on our third attempt!
This means the team can hold people for the big set piece scene which is absolutely worth the effort. As with Halloween, the moving floor, blackout lighting and sudden appearance created a terrifying effect that left us wanting to get out.
The main maze was (as always) stunningly realised, and we were soon asked if we wanted to do Enola – the extreme experience.
We don’t have to repeat our stance on extreme experiences and interestingly Walsall scare maze even clearly state that Enola is an endurance event, and not a scare attraction. But one of her team was brave enough to experience it, and genuinely came out a bit worse for wear!
The whole venue for this event is built in the grounds of a popular late-night venue in Walsall, so once we had recovered from the scares, we warmed up in the bar and partied till late. and really enjoyed our whole night at the event and the bar. The team have an incredible passion for the industry, and the scenes and sets they have created, would not like out of place in a theme park attraction with a much larger more budget.
With lively actors, incredible storytelling, and a fantastic location to chill after the scares, we had a greatl night, and we cannot recommend Walsall Scare Maze enough.
Walsall Scare maze have a reputation for lively and hands on actors, and we were relentlessly grabbed, followed and pushed throughout. The scares were genuinely relentless and despite visiting the venue multiple times in the past, we still struggled to understand where we were in the house, or more importantly how much we had left. As in previous shows – the team use a distraction technique to hold guests before the finale, without them even realising the group are just going round in circles. Bizarrely it was just one mannequin figure in a cowl that made us go “hold on – we’ve seen you before" on our third attempt!
This means the team can hold people for the big set piece scene which is absolutely worth the effort. As with Halloween, the moving floor, blackout lighting and sudden appearance created a terrifying effect that left us wanting to get out.
The main maze was (as always) stunningly realised, and we were soon asked if we wanted to do Enola – the extreme experience.
We don’t have to repeat our stance on extreme experiences and interestingly Walsall scare maze even clearly state that Enola is an endurance event, and not a scare attraction. But one of her team was brave enough to experience it, and genuinely came out a bit worse for wear!
The whole venue for this event is built in the grounds of a popular late-night venue in Walsall, so once we had recovered from the scares, we warmed up in the bar and partied till late. and really enjoyed our whole night at the event and the bar. The team have an incredible passion for the industry, and the scenes and sets they have created, would not like out of place in a theme park attraction with a much larger more budget.
With lively actors, incredible storytelling, and a fantastic location to chill after the scares, we had a greatl night, and we cannot recommend Walsall Scare Maze enough.
Walsall Scare Maze - 2024
Walsall Scare Maze is back with a new story for 2024, and after a quick drink to steady our nerves, we headed through the main entrance to experience The Haunting of Amelia Birchill.
As we have come to expect from the team at Walsall, this attraction has scenes and attention to detail that wouldn’t look out of place in a large corporate theme park event. It is clear the team put a lot of thought and effort into their attractions and it shows throughout.
But of course, a well-designed maze is only as good as the actors inside it – and Walsall has a dedicated team on their books, with many returning faces we have seen (and been scared by) in the past! And of course, they can be very hands on, as we were grabbed and jostled quite a lot on our path through the house. We really can’t remember all the scenes, but by the time we had got to the terrifying finale (which was a real onslaught to the senses) we had screamed and laughed in equal measures.
Outside of the maze, in the bar area, there is a new scare camera/boo button where, for a small fee, you can control some of the scares in the maze, watching the hilarious reactions on the provided CCTV. In fact, a small window from the booth faces part of the maze and you can see people walking past not realsisng we were stood just the other side of the mirror away from them!
The final part of the Walsall Scare maze is Enola – the extreme attraction that has now been described as the sickest scare attraction in the UK. Now long-time readers know what we don’t enjoy these types of experiences and after watching people come out, we are glad we didn’t sign up. Most people came out nearly naked, wearing human nappies, covered in crap and even potentially missing eyebrows or hair! We know there’s a small demand for it, but when even the makers say they wouldn’t actually do it themselves – there really is a certain resilience required for anyone to go through!
So, excluding the extreme maze, which we didn't visit, this was easily the strongest maze at Walsall for a number of years, and we can’t wait to see what they do with it for Christmas.
As we have come to expect from the team at Walsall, this attraction has scenes and attention to detail that wouldn’t look out of place in a large corporate theme park event. It is clear the team put a lot of thought and effort into their attractions and it shows throughout.
But of course, a well-designed maze is only as good as the actors inside it – and Walsall has a dedicated team on their books, with many returning faces we have seen (and been scared by) in the past! And of course, they can be very hands on, as we were grabbed and jostled quite a lot on our path through the house. We really can’t remember all the scenes, but by the time we had got to the terrifying finale (which was a real onslaught to the senses) we had screamed and laughed in equal measures.
Outside of the maze, in the bar area, there is a new scare camera/boo button where, for a small fee, you can control some of the scares in the maze, watching the hilarious reactions on the provided CCTV. In fact, a small window from the booth faces part of the maze and you can see people walking past not realsisng we were stood just the other side of the mirror away from them!
The final part of the Walsall Scare maze is Enola – the extreme attraction that has now been described as the sickest scare attraction in the UK. Now long-time readers know what we don’t enjoy these types of experiences and after watching people come out, we are glad we didn’t sign up. Most people came out nearly naked, wearing human nappies, covered in crap and even potentially missing eyebrows or hair! We know there’s a small demand for it, but when even the makers say they wouldn’t actually do it themselves – there really is a certain resilience required for anyone to go through!
So, excluding the extreme maze, which we didn't visit, this was easily the strongest maze at Walsall for a number of years, and we can’t wait to see what they do with it for Christmas.
Walsall Scare Maze - 2023
Walsall scare maze is back for 2023, and the Scarehouse has seen a new story and a number of big scene changes.
The first big change is the removal of the queue within the queue, which means that once guests enter through the main door – they are into the show with no further wait. The secondary queue area has been turned into a stunning pre-show that really sets the scene, as well as highlighting some incredible show control for an independent production.
Once released into the attraction, the sets and level of detail throughout was stunning as we were shown round the house but warned about going into the cellar. This threat is repeated throughout the upstairs portion of the attraction including subtle references in the soundtrack. So once the path started leading downwards, sub consciously our brains were warning us it was a bad idea. And it really was!
In the cellar it seemed like the Scarehouse threw just about everything at us – sudden impact scares, periods of darkness, strobing, and environmental effects. All of these were delivered by a lively bunch of actors who weren’t afraid to grab and jostle and our whole group was terrorised throughout.
An interesting thing to note is that in the past Scarehouse has been a mixed bag of themes with hillbillies and zombies sitting next to clowns and dentists. This has always delivered scares, but the storyline has generally been a bit confused. This year the attraction tells one story from start to finish and feels so much stronger for it.
Towards the end of the experience, we must just call out the stunningly beautiful greenhouse set, which we were trying to enjoy but the actors had different ideas. The scares in this room, all the way through to the big finale had us jumping and screaming throughout, and like just about everyone else – we flew through the final flaps just to get away!
With the scares, the cohesive story and the incredible sets – Scarehouse really was a stunning experience. The team behind Walsall Scare Maze have really set the bar high going forward, as this was easily the strongest show they have created. We cant wait to see what they do next
Alongside ScareHouse, the event also has a new extreme experience for 2023 called Enola. This will be due to open for Halloween.
The first big change is the removal of the queue within the queue, which means that once guests enter through the main door – they are into the show with no further wait. The secondary queue area has been turned into a stunning pre-show that really sets the scene, as well as highlighting some incredible show control for an independent production.
Once released into the attraction, the sets and level of detail throughout was stunning as we were shown round the house but warned about going into the cellar. This threat is repeated throughout the upstairs portion of the attraction including subtle references in the soundtrack. So once the path started leading downwards, sub consciously our brains were warning us it was a bad idea. And it really was!
In the cellar it seemed like the Scarehouse threw just about everything at us – sudden impact scares, periods of darkness, strobing, and environmental effects. All of these were delivered by a lively bunch of actors who weren’t afraid to grab and jostle and our whole group was terrorised throughout.
An interesting thing to note is that in the past Scarehouse has been a mixed bag of themes with hillbillies and zombies sitting next to clowns and dentists. This has always delivered scares, but the storyline has generally been a bit confused. This year the attraction tells one story from start to finish and feels so much stronger for it.
Towards the end of the experience, we must just call out the stunningly beautiful greenhouse set, which we were trying to enjoy but the actors had different ideas. The scares in this room, all the way through to the big finale had us jumping and screaming throughout, and like just about everyone else – we flew through the final flaps just to get away!
With the scares, the cohesive story and the incredible sets – Scarehouse really was a stunning experience. The team behind Walsall Scare Maze have really set the bar high going forward, as this was easily the strongest show they have created. We cant wait to see what they do next
Alongside ScareHouse, the event also has a new extreme experience for 2023 called Enola. This will be due to open for Halloween.
Christmasacre - The 12 Days of Hell
Review coming soon
Walsall Scare Maze - 2022
Walsall Scare Maze is back for another year and another new story. Although not evident from the outside, the venue have acquired a building adjacent to the main site and this has given the team to chance to create something even bigger and expansive.
The maze itself is called The Scare House and started off like any standard scare attraction. A theatrical opening tells us what the Scare House is and to be warned about venturing into the basement. Now as anyone will know - anything mentioned in a scare attraction and warned to keep away from will surely turn up, and very soon we descended into the basement, which is where the chaos began!
The first few rooms were quite subdued by Walsall Scare Maze's standards. In fact - we were starting to think that the attraction had somehow managed to tone itself down. It's not that these sections were bad - in fact in any other scare maze they would be great, but this didn't feel like the Walsall we knew and loved. And then it happened - It was at THAT point as we descended into the basement that the rug was pulled out from under us, and the attraction went down a rabbit hole of scares that may not actually make any logical sense but were absolutely terrifying!
For example, the first room was a circus themed big top where deranged clowns put on a deadly show. Later on, we went through a hillbilly style zone where one of the actors hilariously commented - "we aren't skinsnatchers here - we take ALL of the bodies!"
This whole "basement" section could best be described as a love letter to the entire scare attraction industry. There were so many ideas and themes thrown at the guest that it is almost impossible to remember them all. What we DO remember is being teased and taunted mercilessly on what seemed a never-ending run. The actors have always been given so many good hiding places and they seemed to be everywhere with leg and arm grabs happening allegedly out of nowhere at times!
And then we just have to talk about the finale. We barely had time to register the beauty of the high vaulted church set, before we triggered an ending sequence that had us grabbing each other in fright. The darkness, the strobes and the sheer intensity of the actors in the scene worked perfectly and even as we were exiting up the ramp, the actors were still climbing and leaping up to attack us. It truly was a stunning ending to an amazing show.
So, to summarise - The Scare House was a really impressive attraction for Walsall Scare maze and it's clear to see the amount of passion and talent that has gone into creating this masterpiece. By throwing just about everything at the guests, this year's event really is like a Scare Attraction Greatest Hits mix tape. We loved it!
The maze itself is called The Scare House and started off like any standard scare attraction. A theatrical opening tells us what the Scare House is and to be warned about venturing into the basement. Now as anyone will know - anything mentioned in a scare attraction and warned to keep away from will surely turn up, and very soon we descended into the basement, which is where the chaos began!
The first few rooms were quite subdued by Walsall Scare Maze's standards. In fact - we were starting to think that the attraction had somehow managed to tone itself down. It's not that these sections were bad - in fact in any other scare maze they would be great, but this didn't feel like the Walsall we knew and loved. And then it happened - It was at THAT point as we descended into the basement that the rug was pulled out from under us, and the attraction went down a rabbit hole of scares that may not actually make any logical sense but were absolutely terrifying!
For example, the first room was a circus themed big top where deranged clowns put on a deadly show. Later on, we went through a hillbilly style zone where one of the actors hilariously commented - "we aren't skinsnatchers here - we take ALL of the bodies!"
This whole "basement" section could best be described as a love letter to the entire scare attraction industry. There were so many ideas and themes thrown at the guest that it is almost impossible to remember them all. What we DO remember is being teased and taunted mercilessly on what seemed a never-ending run. The actors have always been given so many good hiding places and they seemed to be everywhere with leg and arm grabs happening allegedly out of nowhere at times!
And then we just have to talk about the finale. We barely had time to register the beauty of the high vaulted church set, before we triggered an ending sequence that had us grabbing each other in fright. The darkness, the strobes and the sheer intensity of the actors in the scene worked perfectly and even as we were exiting up the ramp, the actors were still climbing and leaping up to attack us. It truly was a stunning ending to an amazing show.
So, to summarise - The Scare House was a really impressive attraction for Walsall Scare maze and it's clear to see the amount of passion and talent that has gone into creating this masterpiece. By throwing just about everything at the guests, this year's event really is like a Scare Attraction Greatest Hits mix tape. We loved it!
Bunker 41 at Walsall Scare Maze
Walsall Scare Maze are back with a bang for 2021 with a new story, a new look and a whole load of new scares!
In fact, it would seem that the two year break has only made their desire to scare even stronger, as Bunker 41 was easily the most chaotic and scary attraction that the team have ever created. Once beyond the main opening scene, we were attacked from all sides, jostled, separated, chased mercilessly and generally played with like a cat plays with a mouse!
The scares throughout the whole maze were definitely some of the strongest we experienced this Halloween with barely a chance to breathe between scenes. Whether the maze was just over populated, or the actors were very good at getting multiple scares, but they seemed to be everywhere at the same time, which just left us screaming even more! And of course, the actors were able to touch us, which just added to the extreme nature of the experience overall.
As we would expect from Walsall Scare Maze, the maze contained some detailed theming, including a complete overhaul of the facade to match the industrial styling of the attraction. This level of detail continued through the maze - not that we really had much chance to look at anything as we were too busy trying to get out!
All in - we have to commend Walsall Scare maze for putting together such an entertaining (yet terrifying show) The actors were definitely some of the liveliest we experienced, and as we tumbled out into the bar area at the end, we really needed a quick drink to calm our nerves. Thankfully it wont be another 2 years until their next event, as the team have already announced Christmasacre Hellebration, a continuation of the Maztac storyline as we are invited to the sadistic doctor's Christmas party! We genuinely cant wait!
In fact, it would seem that the two year break has only made their desire to scare even stronger, as Bunker 41 was easily the most chaotic and scary attraction that the team have ever created. Once beyond the main opening scene, we were attacked from all sides, jostled, separated, chased mercilessly and generally played with like a cat plays with a mouse!
The scares throughout the whole maze were definitely some of the strongest we experienced this Halloween with barely a chance to breathe between scenes. Whether the maze was just over populated, or the actors were very good at getting multiple scares, but they seemed to be everywhere at the same time, which just left us screaming even more! And of course, the actors were able to touch us, which just added to the extreme nature of the experience overall.
As we would expect from Walsall Scare Maze, the maze contained some detailed theming, including a complete overhaul of the facade to match the industrial styling of the attraction. This level of detail continued through the maze - not that we really had much chance to look at anything as we were too busy trying to get out!
All in - we have to commend Walsall Scare maze for putting together such an entertaining (yet terrifying show) The actors were definitely some of the liveliest we experienced, and as we tumbled out into the bar area at the end, we really needed a quick drink to calm our nerves. Thankfully it wont be another 2 years until their next event, as the team have already announced Christmasacre Hellebration, a continuation of the Maztac storyline as we are invited to the sadistic doctor's Christmas party! We genuinely cant wait!
Christmasacre at Walsall Scare Maze
It's only been a few short weeks since we visited The House of Heinous, where we were thrown knee deep into The Midland's darkest history, so we weren't sure how much the attraction would change for Christmas. We are pleased to say that it is virtually unrecognisable from the Halloween show, and stands completely alone as a new and terrifying Christmas experience.
Granted the layout remains fairly similar, but the more structured and actor led show, has been replaced by a full on assault on the senses from the beginning to the end. We knew that we were in for some sustained scares when our group was immediately split into Naughty or Nice and sent off different ways into the darkness. What was funny is that between our own screams, we could hear our friends down the other route, screaming as much as we were. And that was just the first scene!
The following scenes throughout the rest of the maze were all a clever mix of dark alleys, freezing cold North pole style locations and rooms so dense with smoke that we had to feel our way round to escape. Along the way we encountered a myriad of high impact scares as the actors throughout did their best to terrorise, in the most festive way they could. Santa was dead, the elves had turned to the dark side and all of us were destined for the naughty list!
We have to just highlight the "lift " section which managed to pull off a large moving platform with more skill and realism than some major attractions! Remember these mazes are built in the back courtyard of a pub complex, so to have such a large set -piece is a feat in itself. But if any one has CCTV footage of the four of us in this lift, then please just ask your price for it to NEVER be published!
Unlike some linear mazes, we got split up several times and we all took it in turns to lead the group. We all genuinely loved the experience, but also - spent all the time wishing it was over and hoping for an exit. The maze just seemed to keep on going until and we never knew when we would finally stumble out into the bar!
In summary, we had such a great set of scares in Christmasacre. The fact this has been turned around so quickly after Halloween, yet still provided a detailed and scary experience, goes to show the passion the Walsall Scare Maze team put into everything they do!
Granted the layout remains fairly similar, but the more structured and actor led show, has been replaced by a full on assault on the senses from the beginning to the end. We knew that we were in for some sustained scares when our group was immediately split into Naughty or Nice and sent off different ways into the darkness. What was funny is that between our own screams, we could hear our friends down the other route, screaming as much as we were. And that was just the first scene!
The following scenes throughout the rest of the maze were all a clever mix of dark alleys, freezing cold North pole style locations and rooms so dense with smoke that we had to feel our way round to escape. Along the way we encountered a myriad of high impact scares as the actors throughout did their best to terrorise, in the most festive way they could. Santa was dead, the elves had turned to the dark side and all of us were destined for the naughty list!
We have to just highlight the "lift " section which managed to pull off a large moving platform with more skill and realism than some major attractions! Remember these mazes are built in the back courtyard of a pub complex, so to have such a large set -piece is a feat in itself. But if any one has CCTV footage of the four of us in this lift, then please just ask your price for it to NEVER be published!
Unlike some linear mazes, we got split up several times and we all took it in turns to lead the group. We all genuinely loved the experience, but also - spent all the time wishing it was over and hoping for an exit. The maze just seemed to keep on going until and we never knew when we would finally stumble out into the bar!
In summary, we had such a great set of scares in Christmasacre. The fact this has been turned around so quickly after Halloween, yet still provided a detailed and scary experience, goes to show the passion the Walsall Scare Maze team put into everything they do!
Christmasacre Face it Alone
As it was the ScareTOUR/ScareCON Chrcitsmas party - Walsall Scare Maze offered to host a very special face it alone "extreme" version of the show, and the braver members of the party headed in nervously.
What struck us first was how different the mood and atmosphere was in the maze, it seemed like some lighting and effect changes had been made, as we seemed to be able to see a little easier which effectively, just made things worse - we could now really see what was attacking us!
Like the normal version , the maze contained lots of great jump scares, but also some moments of actor interaction far more intense then the usual show. We do have to hand it to the actors that they weren't aggressive in the extreme interactions, and stayed on the "fun" side without resorting to making us eat things or inflicting pain. This was true extreme/intense scaring and we loved it!
Of course - by the end - all bets were off and the team became a bit more hands on, as their clothes started to come off. It was all completely tasteful, but quite a shock in the darkness and chaos of the strobes! Call us depraved and a bit twisted - but we we all walked out the exit proudly wearing our blood smears like some weird tribal war paint!
For those who read our Horrorland review earlier this year, both versions of the show reminded us of the Spanish event in their execution. Everything had been carefully thought about and planned, and so effortlessly created a sense of tension and chaos in a totally controlled environment. We cant congratulate everyone involved enough on both versions of this maze!
What struck us first was how different the mood and atmosphere was in the maze, it seemed like some lighting and effect changes had been made, as we seemed to be able to see a little easier which effectively, just made things worse - we could now really see what was attacking us!
Like the normal version , the maze contained lots of great jump scares, but also some moments of actor interaction far more intense then the usual show. We do have to hand it to the actors that they weren't aggressive in the extreme interactions, and stayed on the "fun" side without resorting to making us eat things or inflicting pain. This was true extreme/intense scaring and we loved it!
Of course - by the end - all bets were off and the team became a bit more hands on, as their clothes started to come off. It was all completely tasteful, but quite a shock in the darkness and chaos of the strobes! Call us depraved and a bit twisted - but we we all walked out the exit proudly wearing our blood smears like some weird tribal war paint!
For those who read our Horrorland review earlier this year, both versions of the show reminded us of the Spanish event in their execution. Everything had been carefully thought about and planned, and so effortlessly created a sense of tension and chaos in a totally controlled environment. We cant congratulate everyone involved enough on both versions of this maze!
The House of Heinous - Walsall Scare Maze
alsall Scare Maze’s latest attraction is advertised as a “terrifying journey deep into the Midlands darkest secrets” and mixes some impressive scares with some theatrical tricks and performances. In fact, it’s the mix of different scares and tactics that works so well with this attraction. One minute we were being stalked by local legend – the black eyed girl, the next we were in a conversation with Tommy Shelby in a reference to the BBC series Peaky Blinders.
From the moment we entered the house, the attention to detail is evident with the beautiful theming in each room. The sets and rooms throughout felt real, and the use of lighting and sound, all combined to create a totally immersive experience.
One of Walsall Scare Mazes strongest points is always the actors, and once again the team have curated an impressive team who deliver the stories and scares so effortlessly. The performances ranged from full on scripted scenes that advanced the narrative, through to short sharp scares that punctuate the corridors.
All in, we could find no fault with House of Heinous at all. It wasn’t as manic as last years the Ward, but the change in scare style and performance suited the story completely. That’s not saying that it wasn’t scary, we had some genuinely terrified moments throughout the show - it just felt more balanced with better pacing. This has been brought about by the extension of the maze this year, that has given the team chance to build a few much needed breathing spaces into the proceedings, which just then makes the scares when they come, even scarier
We totally loved our visit to the House of Heinous and loved the progression and maturity in production. The show has some tricks and effects that some major corporate scare attractions would love to have, and it is clear that everyone involved is dedicated to putting on an amazing show. If you don’t get to Walsall Scare maze this Halloween, then you really are missing a treat!
From the moment we entered the house, the attention to detail is evident with the beautiful theming in each room. The sets and rooms throughout felt real, and the use of lighting and sound, all combined to create a totally immersive experience.
One of Walsall Scare Mazes strongest points is always the actors, and once again the team have curated an impressive team who deliver the stories and scares so effortlessly. The performances ranged from full on scripted scenes that advanced the narrative, through to short sharp scares that punctuate the corridors.
All in, we could find no fault with House of Heinous at all. It wasn’t as manic as last years the Ward, but the change in scare style and performance suited the story completely. That’s not saying that it wasn’t scary, we had some genuinely terrified moments throughout the show - it just felt more balanced with better pacing. This has been brought about by the extension of the maze this year, that has given the team chance to build a few much needed breathing spaces into the proceedings, which just then makes the scares when they come, even scarier
We totally loved our visit to the House of Heinous and loved the progression and maturity in production. The show has some tricks and effects that some major corporate scare attractions would love to have, and it is clear that everyone involved is dedicated to putting on an amazing show. If you don’t get to Walsall Scare maze this Halloween, then you really are missing a treat!
Value for money best we have ever been, still shaking hours after, cant wait for the xmas show.
Value for money best we have ever been, still shaking hours after, cant wait for the xmas show.
Walsall Scare Maze - Santa's Fear Factory
Walsall Scaremaze returns for Christmas carnage with Santa’s Fear Factory and all we need to say is "wow" This attraction packed a might punch from beginning to end and had us laughing and screaming throughout. Everything about this attraction was amazing - the sets are stunning, the smells were intense, the smoke was blinding and the soundtrack was perfection.
Walsall Scaremaze truly are masters when it comes to using the perfect tools for each scene, from thick fog in dark corridors to sickening smell pods, even fans to make the North Pole bitterly freezing! The attraction started quite light, with a friendly elf and up beat Christmassy music, but as we delved deeper into the factory, we realised that Santa works these elves to the bone and it was not quite the perfect workshop we're used to from the movies!
The actors were phenomenal - extremely up, close, personal and not afraid to give us just a little nudge now and again. Every actor bought their all and you can tell it’s a hugely talented and dedicated team who know how to work their rooms extremely well.
We left the traditional chainsaw finale (that just worked so well may we add) all gasping for breath. Throughout the attraction the team lost each other, swapped places as the front became “too scary” and genuinely all felt like we were about to become Santa’s next toys!
A huge success for the Walsall Scaremaze team, we can’t wait to see what they have up their sleeve for next Halloween.
Walsall Scaremaze truly are masters when it comes to using the perfect tools for each scene, from thick fog in dark corridors to sickening smell pods, even fans to make the North Pole bitterly freezing! The attraction started quite light, with a friendly elf and up beat Christmassy music, but as we delved deeper into the factory, we realised that Santa works these elves to the bone and it was not quite the perfect workshop we're used to from the movies!
The actors were phenomenal - extremely up, close, personal and not afraid to give us just a little nudge now and again. Every actor bought their all and you can tell it’s a hugely talented and dedicated team who know how to work their rooms extremely well.
We left the traditional chainsaw finale (that just worked so well may we add) all gasping for breath. Throughout the attraction the team lost each other, swapped places as the front became “too scary” and genuinely all felt like we were about to become Santa’s next toys!
A huge success for the Walsall Scaremaze team, we can’t wait to see what they have up their sleeve for next Halloween.
Walsall Scare Maze - The Ward
Nuns are creepy. They always have been, but their fear factor has really been cranked up a notch in recent years, mainly thanks to horror movies such as The Conjuring and the Nun. So, when Walsall Scare Maze announced their latest attraction, The Ward , with an evil looking nun on the poster – we knew we would be in for a shock. We just didn’t realise how scared we were going to be!
Set behind a popular nightclub in a residential area of Walsall, the event area is based around an out-door courtyard with seating, a cosy bar and a food offering. If we hadn’t been going somewhere else, we could have stayed in this lively area all night. As it was, we had a date with the sisters and they weren’t waiting round for us.
As we entered the maze, it was obvious again that a lot of effort had been put into the retheme and restyle of the attraction from previous incarnations. Following an opening scene and some surprise effects, we made our way into the darkness to repent our sins.
It’s hard to put into words what followed after that. We remember being shut in confessional booths, being tormented by nuns in a mirrored room with disco lights (it sounds weird, but it was awesome!) and generally being chased and scared by some of the craziest nuns we have ever experienced. And this was only the first half of the attraction.
Once sure we were cleansed of our sins, we could progress forward into the Birchills Psychiatric Ward where the patients were waiting for us. If we thought the first half was mad – this was even more intense, and quite physical as the inmates grabbed and jostled us as we tried to pass through. Attacks came from nowhere, including some great drop panel scares, and we were generally tormented throughout.
The scenes and sets were all impressive and some, such as the crucifix room were so beautifully lit they looked like something from a movie. The set and technical design all worked together to make a totally cohesive experience.
And then there was that finale. We probably haven’t screamed as much as a group. The show built up to a crescendo with a big final scene revealing the true nature of what the Nuns were up to. We were mercilessly targeted throughout, and when the doors finally opened we ran out into the bar area probably a little faster than we should admit!
Not knowing anything about The Ward before we went in, really worked in our favour. The attraction is so different to last year’s Groundsman show but just as much fun. Walsall Scare Maze have another winner on their hands and you need to check it out if you are in the Midlands. Just say a few Hail Marys before you go in – and the nuns might go easy on you!
Set behind a popular nightclub in a residential area of Walsall, the event area is based around an out-door courtyard with seating, a cosy bar and a food offering. If we hadn’t been going somewhere else, we could have stayed in this lively area all night. As it was, we had a date with the sisters and they weren’t waiting round for us.
As we entered the maze, it was obvious again that a lot of effort had been put into the retheme and restyle of the attraction from previous incarnations. Following an opening scene and some surprise effects, we made our way into the darkness to repent our sins.
It’s hard to put into words what followed after that. We remember being shut in confessional booths, being tormented by nuns in a mirrored room with disco lights (it sounds weird, but it was awesome!) and generally being chased and scared by some of the craziest nuns we have ever experienced. And this was only the first half of the attraction.
Once sure we were cleansed of our sins, we could progress forward into the Birchills Psychiatric Ward where the patients were waiting for us. If we thought the first half was mad – this was even more intense, and quite physical as the inmates grabbed and jostled us as we tried to pass through. Attacks came from nowhere, including some great drop panel scares, and we were generally tormented throughout.
The scenes and sets were all impressive and some, such as the crucifix room were so beautifully lit they looked like something from a movie. The set and technical design all worked together to make a totally cohesive experience.
And then there was that finale. We probably haven’t screamed as much as a group. The show built up to a crescendo with a big final scene revealing the true nature of what the Nuns were up to. We were mercilessly targeted throughout, and when the doors finally opened we ran out into the bar area probably a little faster than we should admit!
Not knowing anything about The Ward before we went in, really worked in our favour. The attraction is so different to last year’s Groundsman show but just as much fun. Walsall Scare Maze have another winner on their hands and you need to check it out if you are in the Midlands. Just say a few Hail Marys before you go in – and the nuns might go easy on you!
Absolutely brilliant scared the holy crap out of us, would definitely recommend going again we had a great night
Absolutely brilliant scared the holy crap out of us, would definitely recommend going again we had a great night
Great night
Great night
Walsall Scare Maze - Bad Santa's Twisted House
Walsall Scare Maze really impressed us at Halloween with their level of detail, set pieces and scares, so we were intrigued to see how they would convert the space and change things up for their Christmas attraction, ‘Bad Santa’s Twisted House’.
We were initially met by their fantastic courtyard space as we queued which creates a great atmosphere and setting. Throughput was a little slow due to the fact that they were dispatching in smaller groups to allow a greater experience, however our excitement at their Christmas special ‘foot long pigs in blankets’ along with the atmosphere created in the courtyard made the wait time enjoyable rather than tedious.
Upon entering the attraction we were greeted in the first few scenes by a succession of incredibly strong and funny characters. We laughed and jumped in equal measures as the actors provided exceptional timing and some of the strongest performances we’ve seen this year. This is an 18+ attraction as they did approach some adult themes, but it was done in a way which provided comedic value more than anything else, and is nothing that is too gross and intense. Instead at times we were giggling so much that our guard was let down ready for the scares to hit us out of nowhere.
After the first couple of scenes we were led into more of a standard scare attraction with screams aplenty. What really impressed us was that considering the relatively short turnover period since the Halloween season, so much about the attraction had changed. We were expecting the same sets from The Groundsman to be altered slightly, but after the first initial rooms it was like they have created a brand new maze. There were lots of dark areas where we really couldn’t see our hand in front of our faces, and there was one really unique scene in particular that we haven’t seen in an attraction before and worked so well, in which the entire room had become a web of bungee ropes for us to climb our way through.
Overall the attraction was both intense fun and created a lot of scares. We could really see the effort that has been put into the attraction and the passion behind all the actors' performances. Upon exiting the finale room we entered a custom made bar for the attraction, which had a lively atmosphere, which just finished off a great night!
We were initially met by their fantastic courtyard space as we queued which creates a great atmosphere and setting. Throughput was a little slow due to the fact that they were dispatching in smaller groups to allow a greater experience, however our excitement at their Christmas special ‘foot long pigs in blankets’ along with the atmosphere created in the courtyard made the wait time enjoyable rather than tedious.
Upon entering the attraction we were greeted in the first few scenes by a succession of incredibly strong and funny characters. We laughed and jumped in equal measures as the actors provided exceptional timing and some of the strongest performances we’ve seen this year. This is an 18+ attraction as they did approach some adult themes, but it was done in a way which provided comedic value more than anything else, and is nothing that is too gross and intense. Instead at times we were giggling so much that our guard was let down ready for the scares to hit us out of nowhere.
After the first couple of scenes we were led into more of a standard scare attraction with screams aplenty. What really impressed us was that considering the relatively short turnover period since the Halloween season, so much about the attraction had changed. We were expecting the same sets from The Groundsman to be altered slightly, but after the first initial rooms it was like they have created a brand new maze. There were lots of dark areas where we really couldn’t see our hand in front of our faces, and there was one really unique scene in particular that we haven’t seen in an attraction before and worked so well, in which the entire room had become a web of bungee ropes for us to climb our way through.
Overall the attraction was both intense fun and created a lot of scares. We could really see the effort that has been put into the attraction and the passion behind all the actors' performances. Upon exiting the finale room we entered a custom made bar for the attraction, which had a lively atmosphere, which just finished off a great night!
Walsall Scare Maze - The Groundsman
The Groundsman is a brand new independent scare attraction for the 2017 season. Set in the beer garden and garage of a popular bar in the middle of Walsall we were unsure of what to expect, we were not disappointed. The Groundsmen (Walsall Scare Maze) has its own entrance separate to the pub hosting the attraction, and we were immersed into a small, unique Halloween atmosphere as soon as we entered through the side door. We were greeted by a carnival-type Halloween bar, stage with a huge evil clown backdrop along with multiple food and drink options. Atmospheric lighting and up-beat music give the whole area a great Halloween feel.
The Groundsmen follows a story set within The Birchill Hotel. We were welcomed at reception and ‘checked into’ our room, but all chaos occurred when Mr Cook wanted to put us on his menu! Throughout the experience we encountered numerous scenes from bedrooms, bathrooms, outside woodland, crawl tunnels and even the beer stock room. From start to finish this attraction was immaculately themed, with compliments from sounds, lights and smell pods.
However, it is the finale room that really must be noted. The final room of The Groundsmen consisted of a theatrical show piece finale, something we have missed from many other attractions this year. As we entered the room, an array of effects from wind, water and lighting sequences would coincide with an immersive soundtrack to continuously build the scene to its chainsaw finale. This final scene of The Groundsmen is worth the visit alone - we particularly loved the soundtrack and fantastic lighting in the cracks of the floor, a scene that you would expect from larger, big budget attractions.
The Walsall Scare Maze packed a punch with some very lively, touchy actors, a well themed and theatrical experience along with lots of scares. The attraction was also quite long, running at a 15 minute scare maze experience and we were amazed that the team managed to cram it all in behind a pub in the middle of Walsall. We look forward to seeing what the team bring to the table for their Christmas attraction.
The Groundsmen follows a story set within The Birchill Hotel. We were welcomed at reception and ‘checked into’ our room, but all chaos occurred when Mr Cook wanted to put us on his menu! Throughout the experience we encountered numerous scenes from bedrooms, bathrooms, outside woodland, crawl tunnels and even the beer stock room. From start to finish this attraction was immaculately themed, with compliments from sounds, lights and smell pods.
However, it is the finale room that really must be noted. The final room of The Groundsmen consisted of a theatrical show piece finale, something we have missed from many other attractions this year. As we entered the room, an array of effects from wind, water and lighting sequences would coincide with an immersive soundtrack to continuously build the scene to its chainsaw finale. This final scene of The Groundsmen is worth the visit alone - we particularly loved the soundtrack and fantastic lighting in the cracks of the floor, a scene that you would expect from larger, big budget attractions.
The Walsall Scare Maze packed a punch with some very lively, touchy actors, a well themed and theatrical experience along with lots of scares. The attraction was also quite long, running at a 15 minute scare maze experience and we were amazed that the team managed to cram it all in behind a pub in the middle of Walsall. We look forward to seeing what the team bring to the table for their Christmas attraction.
Official Website: www.walsallscaremaze.com
You Review
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Good value for money, a scare round every corner and I even made a friends with one of the actors in there! Haha. Interesting story to it too, finding out why guests were going missing, it was funny aswell as terrifying, I never expected to crawl through a tunnel and be grabbed and dragged back through the tunnel and had to try and get away. Terrifying experience and I even went TWICE! Can't wait to go to the Christmas scare maze. Going to be very interesting
Good value for money, a scare round every corner and I even made a friends with one of the actors in there! Haha. Interesting story to it too, finding out why guests were going missing, it was funny aswell as terrifying, I never expected to crawl through a tunnel and be grabbed and dragged back through the tunnel and had to try and get away. Terrifying experience and I even went TWICE! Can't wait to go to the Christmas scare maze. Going to be very interesting