Terror Tower Scarborough
There's an age old saying about only getting what you pay for, and so when we saw that the entrance fee to Scarborough's Terror Tower was reduced from £4 to £2 per person, we really weren't sure what to think. But with the venue advertising a chance to tour the genuine sets of chiller movies and a promotional leaflet with Keith Harris (of Keith Harris and Orville fame) claiming that it was a good as Disneyland, we knew we had to go in!
To start with there was little at the attraction that really stood out or jumped out and said ' scare attraction ' yes there was a skeleton at the front and some fake stone walls, but nothing really to entice the average customer off the street, despite its prime location on the busy seafront.
As we walked through the door we entered the Bates Motel (or so the sign said) and then proceeded through a number of different horror movie sets such as Elm St (with no Freddie), Dracula's castle and a dinosaur scene with supposedly one of the original dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. The transitions between movies came quite quick and soon we were on the set of Blade which was the nearest we had to a scare so far as we tripped a sensor that set some effects and strobes in motion. Some of the scenes were clearer than others - we still cant quite work out why there was a static dummy dressed as The Terminator standing by a static dummy in an electric chair with the theme from Halloween playing in the background. It's almost like they think if they throw enough movie icons together - something may stick! There were a few more flashing lights and loud music effects on the way to the exit accompanied by a slightly unenthusiastic actor who meandered behind us with an electric chainsaw whilst wearing a mask from Predator!
Moving round the attraction is problematical at times as you are told to wait for lights to go green before entering certain rooms. We appreciate this is to reset the scenes but upsets the flow of the whole attraction (especially when you are looking round trying to find the small light as opposed to appreciating the room you are in!)
As we said at the beginning, for £2 we couldn't really complain - the sets are actually pretty impressive and we reckon it has the ability to scare those who jump easily in a ghost train, but the whole thing could do with being a bit livelier for us. Perhaps if the final actor had actually given a proper scare and chased us, we may have left a bit invigorated, but as it was the ending was slightly disappointing. And as for that quote from Keith Harris about it being better then Disneyland? We can only assume he hasn't actually been to either!
Terror Tower is open daily during the summer season and holidays and then weekends through the winter.
For more details - check out their website
For more details - check out their website

I've been to both attractions a mentioned here. I go to Scarborough quite often for my holidays, so I know Terror Towers and the Dracula Experience well.
Terror Towers is supposed to be done up in the style of horror sets from the movies, it claims on its board outside. I think I was £3 or £4 if that.
They have various scenes from different films such as Dracula right at the start, then they go on to Jurassic park etc. I was the only person in the attraction that day. They're supposed to have scare actors in the afternoon, I never experienced the actors. From the impression I get you get chased out the door by leather face.
Terror Towers is what it is. I didn't even show up in the souvenir photo at the end. If you're passing the front at Scarborough, it's worth a pop in for a laugh.
The Dracula experience is pretty much the same thing. They have Christopher Lee's cape on display before you go in if I mind right. I didn't realise this was owned by the same people that run Terror Towers.
It tells the story of Dracula as you go through it. Small children might be scared of it. There was a family in front of me and the small girl in the group was a bit nervous going through it. She was young.
Again, if you're in Whitby it's worth a look in. To be honest, both attractions are pretty naff I thought compared to what I'm used to. Go and see it for yourself, that's just my opinion. I always pop into these attractions when I'm down in the area for my holidays anyway.
Terror Towers is supposed to be done up in the style of horror sets from the movies, it claims on its board outside. I think I was £3 or £4 if that.
They have various scenes from different films such as Dracula right at the start, then they go on to Jurassic park etc. I was the only person in the attraction that day. They're supposed to have scare actors in the afternoon, I never experienced the actors. From the impression I get you get chased out the door by leather face.
Terror Towers is what it is. I didn't even show up in the souvenir photo at the end. If you're passing the front at Scarborough, it's worth a pop in for a laugh.
The Dracula experience is pretty much the same thing. They have Christopher Lee's cape on display before you go in if I mind right. I didn't realise this was owned by the same people that run Terror Towers.
It tells the story of Dracula as you go through it. Small children might be scared of it. There was a family in front of me and the small girl in the group was a bit nervous going through it. She was young.
Again, if you're in Whitby it's worth a look in. To be honest, both attractions are pretty naff I thought compared to what I'm used to. Go and see it for yourself, that's just my opinion. I always pop into these attractions when I'm down in the area for my holidays anyway.
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