L'a Mortis: House of Darkness and Psychomanteum
Scare Kingdom opened its doors this week to celebrate Valentines day. Similar to their Christmas FestEVIL event, only their two most detailed mazes were on offer: Manormortis had morphed into La’Mortis –‘House of Darkness’ and the sick and twisted Psychomanteum awaited new patients. So, what better way to celebrate the festival of love?
After a brief greeting by the gruesomely gorgeous Margo Bloodmyre we were escorted straight to La’Mortis. After two impressive visits to this maze over the Halloween and Christmas periods, we were intrigued as to what new experience it could offer us. With a new character setting up the story of a house ridden with vampires, we soon learnt that we would enter the attraction alone! (or in pairs for the loved up couples celebrating cupid’s special day). With just a dimly lit candle as our only source of light, La’ Mortis really was a ‘House of Darkness’.
Although the layout appeared the same as previous, the loss of any clear vision made for a completely different perspective on the maze. Taking each step forward, slowly and cautiously, we were met by a whole host of creatures hungry for our blood. Vampires seemed to swarm around the house, jumping out of the darkness with a just a flash of light, making for a very high impact experience. The candle in our hands only ever meant we could see a few feet in front of us which gave the actors the perfect opportunity to sneak up on us in the darkness. Being alone just made matters worse!
We enjoyed that the darkness heightened the fear factor of the maze, it was a shame we couldn't see the stunning scenery that had impressed us in the past. As it was, La’Mortis proved to be terrifying and a completely different experience to the theatrics of previous incarnations. Compared to the Christmas show it was also much shorter than we expected.
After the intensity of L'a Mortis, we headed over to Psychomanteum. With the new tag line, ‘Hello Dolly’, we were interested to see what was new within the sick and twisted walls of this extreme attraction. Although similar to both the Halloween and Christmas shows, we were introduced to a new character called Femflesh and this sexual cross dressing human dolly gave the show a slightly more warped edge over the previous two incarnations.
Having done it three times now, we still feel that Psychomanteum appears to be the Marmite of scare attractions, you either love it or you hate it, and as we have previously mentioned, opinions of the maze are divided amongst the ScareTOUR team. That being said, it is marketed as a sick, extreme scare attraction and that's exactly what it does. However it's not necessarily a ‘scare’ attraction - more a challenge that you need to overcome.
All in, we enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s day with La’Mortis and Psychomanteum and we look forward to seeing what comes next for these two mazes during the rest of 2014.
For more details about Scare Kingdom Scream Park, visit the offical website - www.scarekingdom.com
You Review

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I visited this scare attraction on its first night with another member of ScareTour, and being a scare actress and having seen many attractions it is becoming more harder to give me a little fright, however, despite all this my greatest fear that I still have not yet overcome is the dark. And boy was this attraction dark. With excellent scenery (if you saw it at all with your dim candle light) and fantastic looking vampires (my favourite being the one with 10 inch long nails!) and a brutally loud and terrifying soundtrack I indeed was screaming or nervously laughing from start to finish and quite frankly couldn't wait to get out of there. I was so pleased I went with a friend as I personally would have never made it round on my own. I completely recommend this attraction and look forward to seeing other shows in the future.
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