Halloween Adventure at Stockeld Park
The Halloween Adventure has a number of activities for all ages but for three nights is turned into something more sinister when Fright Night takes over. The event is composed of three attractions, made by the re-purposing of their forest walk and hedge maze plus the addition of an “extreme” maze inside a marquee. The event has a firm family focus and it was great to see so many younger guests having some scary fun.
Beginning with the Fear Forest, we were batched into large groups of twenty to thirty guests and herded off for a 45min trek through the woodland, passing illuminated trees, lakes and animal sculptures, The trail was an attraction itself and created a unique setting for story telling. Along the way our passage was interrupted by characters, each with their own tale to tell. The acting was very good, although sometimes it was difficult to hear from the back of the congregation. All in all a fun theatrical event set in a unique and magical location.
The next attraction, The All Hallows Evil Scare maze was set deep in the coniferous walled Hedge Maze. The anticipation cranked itself up into overdrive as to what could be lying in wait around the next turn of the lengthy labyrinth. Despite the family nature of this event, somehow the appearance of a chainsaw appeared to work, providing the biggest scare of the the evening.
Finally we came to the extreme maze. Torchure is a pitch black meander through the old faithful security fencing. With instructions to follow the flash lights, our passage through the darkness was guided by a very attentive cast who would appear out of the shadows lit from the chin upwards. Unfortunately this usually just revealed their mask and it might have been nicer to see some real faces. We didn't find this maze overly scary, but was a lot of fun and was a good ending to the event.
Across the whole site, the staff were extremely friendly and helpful and this, supported by an actual infrastructure such as extensive cafe, real plumbing and gift shop, created a professional set up. While there were no real scares, given the family target audience it’s perfectly understandable and overall it was a great deal of fun,
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