Review - The Devils Chambers - 2018
On February 16th, we paid a visit to The Devils Chambers in Stockport for their debut event – an ambitious line-up of 4 mazes in a single building.
Generally, when people think of scare mazes they assume that you will walk through a predefined route, entering immersive scenes along the way and needing a new pair of pants at the end! Well Devils Chambers changed the core concept a little. Rather than a path to follow, we were let into a room and given free roam, and it made for a unique experience. The actors clearly knew their rooms perfectly, as it was not uncommon to think we had left an actor behind, only for them to pop up in front of us mere seconds later. Their knowledge of the maze layout meant they could purposefully direct us into dead ends and laugh at our unfortunate predicament.
While we’re on the topic of actors, the energy levels from the team were almost unheard of. They were a young team, with a good handful of seasoned scare veterans, which lead to all of the attractions to have a good level of humour and intensity. We even got picked up on several occasions!
Unfortunately, all the attractions did feel a little too similar. Some more story would have been great and there was no real atmosphere in between attractions. Effects were also minimal, with a majority of the lighting being done with, what appeared to be, head torches. But the actors more than made up for up for the lack of effects
We caught up with one of the creators Jane after the attraction and had a quick chat about the creative mind behind these devilishly fearsome creations and to gain some insight to their future. The team are already in deep preparation for Halloween and intend to take an intense experience and ramp it up to a living nightmare. We had a few concerns about capacity, as we found ourselves in some of the chambers for upwards of 10 minutes, and a little bit of direction could have gone a long way, but at the current venue this isn’t possible due to it being used as an airsoft arena during the day. A brief discussion was had about future events and it was unclear as to whether the venue will be a permanent location for them or if they are going to be somewhere that will offer a little more freedom.
Overall, a pretty unique attraction and an incredibly impressive first venture from the team. We are pretty excited to see what’s in store for Halloween and see if they can overcome a few of the teething issues they have had.
Generally, when people think of scare mazes they assume that you will walk through a predefined route, entering immersive scenes along the way and needing a new pair of pants at the end! Well Devils Chambers changed the core concept a little. Rather than a path to follow, we were let into a room and given free roam, and it made for a unique experience. The actors clearly knew their rooms perfectly, as it was not uncommon to think we had left an actor behind, only for them to pop up in front of us mere seconds later. Their knowledge of the maze layout meant they could purposefully direct us into dead ends and laugh at our unfortunate predicament.
While we’re on the topic of actors, the energy levels from the team were almost unheard of. They were a young team, with a good handful of seasoned scare veterans, which lead to all of the attractions to have a good level of humour and intensity. We even got picked up on several occasions!
Unfortunately, all the attractions did feel a little too similar. Some more story would have been great and there was no real atmosphere in between attractions. Effects were also minimal, with a majority of the lighting being done with, what appeared to be, head torches. But the actors more than made up for up for the lack of effects
We caught up with one of the creators Jane after the attraction and had a quick chat about the creative mind behind these devilishly fearsome creations and to gain some insight to their future. The team are already in deep preparation for Halloween and intend to take an intense experience and ramp it up to a living nightmare. We had a few concerns about capacity, as we found ourselves in some of the chambers for upwards of 10 minutes, and a little bit of direction could have gone a long way, but at the current venue this isn’t possible due to it being used as an airsoft arena during the day. A brief discussion was had about future events and it was unclear as to whether the venue will be a permanent location for them or if they are going to be somewhere that will offer a little more freedom.
Overall, a pretty unique attraction and an incredibly impressive first venture from the team. We are pretty excited to see what’s in store for Halloween and see if they can overcome a few of the teething issues they have had.
Devils Chambers
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