2.8 Hours Later - Review
Since announcing our trip to 2.8 hours later, we had many people ask us what it was. Is it a scare attraction? is it a race event, is it a game?
Well quite frankly we weren’t sure so we just played along with the scenario, did what we needed to do, and headed for the rendezvous point.
The event organisation was superb and very soon we found ourselves moving quickly from location to location around the city, wondering what the hell was coming next. Obviously the organisers CANT “zombify” a whole city but they had organised particular areas that were accessible to the players only. Most players agreed that the car park and graveyard scenes were some of the scariest things ever experienced with a mixture of slow moving “old school” zombies mixed in with a few that had you literally running for your life! Then to add extra realism, the use of a real police station and other venues really helped create the feel that you were living in a real horror film.
One of the key differences between this event and any other scare attraction, is that there really was an element of skill (and luck) in surviving the zombie invasion. Very few groups survived intact and through the course of the night many fellow travellers were “picked off” and sent for processing.
And what did processing entail? Well like any good zombie movie – once infected you become a zombie your self and must change sides to finish the game appropriately. Therefore there was always the very real chance that your friends and colleagues at the start could be the ones chasing you come the end. It was almost like one great big city wide game of British Bulldog (just with added gore!)
It’s really hard to write too much without giving the whole thing away and ruining any surprises for future games. Perhaps the best thing to is just say that it’s a great big thumbs up from ScareTOUR and we will be the first in line next year for any new interactive horror games that may be arranged! If you want to know more – join our contact list.
Well quite frankly we weren’t sure so we just played along with the scenario, did what we needed to do, and headed for the rendezvous point.
The event organisation was superb and very soon we found ourselves moving quickly from location to location around the city, wondering what the hell was coming next. Obviously the organisers CANT “zombify” a whole city but they had organised particular areas that were accessible to the players only. Most players agreed that the car park and graveyard scenes were some of the scariest things ever experienced with a mixture of slow moving “old school” zombies mixed in with a few that had you literally running for your life! Then to add extra realism, the use of a real police station and other venues really helped create the feel that you were living in a real horror film.
One of the key differences between this event and any other scare attraction, is that there really was an element of skill (and luck) in surviving the zombie invasion. Very few groups survived intact and through the course of the night many fellow travellers were “picked off” and sent for processing.
And what did processing entail? Well like any good zombie movie – once infected you become a zombie your self and must change sides to finish the game appropriately. Therefore there was always the very real chance that your friends and colleagues at the start could be the ones chasing you come the end. It was almost like one great big city wide game of British Bulldog (just with added gore!)
It’s really hard to write too much without giving the whole thing away and ruining any surprises for future games. Perhaps the best thing to is just say that it’s a great big thumbs up from ScareTOUR and we will be the first in line next year for any new interactive horror games that may be arranged! If you want to know more – join our contact list.