Jingle Hells Christmas 2015
Jingle Hells is the latest creation from new company, House of Detention. A combination of Christmas fantasy mixed in with real life, and of course - horror!
After a safety speech, we entered the building into what looked like a child's somewhat destroyed bedroom. A young man came up to us whispering sweet terrors and also seemed to be conversing with his toys, most notably a headless doll. He warned us that Krampus was waiting for us and that we should keep moving in order to be safe and hopefully avoid him.
Through various rooms we encountered many strange dead children, apparently visited by Krampus, and have now become his victims. Also along the way we meet several seemingly possessed elves and of course the big man himself, Santa Claus. Even though we all agreed that none of us fancied sitting upon his lap!
A great jump scare came from an impressive 'Jack in the box' which you would think would be obvious but he didn't quite appear from where we thought he would. It gave all of us an impressive jump.
As we moved through the attraction there were many holes and low beams which we had to crawl or climb through offering the feeling of claustrophobia and the sense that we were not alone in the small spaces with some amazing scares along the way. And rotten luck would have it we did indeed bump into the ultimate horror, our demonic Christmas friend Krampus himself, jingling his bells all the way! His make up was so well done that we weren't sure if we has actually met the mythological creature in the flesh! Although he said nothing, he was truly a fearsome and TALL creature.
Other sights along the way included some ladies of the night who were very disgruntled that we didn't have the 'money or the gin' to pay for their pleasures and so we had to play a game with them. We must also mention the incredible "snowing" tunnel, which was something we've never seen in a scare attraction before
Finally before being released from our turmoil we were set upon by some sickly and sinister elves who showed no remorse for anyone, slinging us into a cage and locking us in for what felt like an eternity whilst they, attacked us from all sides. It was a great end and as we made our escape, we vowed to never be naughty again!
We really enjoyed our visit to Jingle Hells and look forward to returning for their next seasonal event at Easter.
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